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2011年1月6日 星期四

Domenico Veneziano. The Adoration of the Magi. - Olga's Gallery

Domenico Veneziano. The Adoration of the Magi. - Olga's Gallery

Heilige Drei Könige is celebrated on 6th January. In some areas of Germany it is a public holiday.
The day celebrates the arrive of the three wise men from the east in Bethlehem. In the Evangelical Church it is known as Epihanias - similar to the English name of the day in some countries “Epiphany”.
On this day, groups of children known as Sternsinger go from door to door and sing a song or recite a poem or prayer. They then write in chalk above the door C+B+M and the number of the year with three crosses, eg. 20*C+M+B+08. These letters stand for the latin phrase Christus mansionem benedicat, meaning “God protect this house”.
The Sternsinger also collect donations for childrens’ charities.